Homenetmen Armenian General Athletic Union & Scouts

Toronto Chapter


The motto of the Homenetmen General Athletic and Scouting Organization is “elevate yourself… to elevate others.” It is with that spirit that the organization has been functioning in Toronto since 1969, with a total current membership of over 600. Scouting meetings take place every Sunday, while Homenetmen athletic groups, including soccer, basketball, King-Fu, volleyball and floor hockey teams, hold practices throughout the week at the Homenetmen Toronto Gymnasium. The organization also proudly participates in the Pan-Homenetmen Jamborees and Athletic games in Armenia.

More recently, Homenetmen Toronto has organized the annual “A Run to Remember”, a charity run at the Toronto Waterfront Marathon. The organization also holds annual dinner-dances, picnics, athletic tournaments and scout camps throughout the year.

Executive Committee

Anto Boyadjian
Savan Hajiartinian
Harout Bedrossian
Hagop Sakarian
Armen Krikorian
Athletics Committee Liason
Ara Artounian
Scouting Committee Liason
Mosig Kargotsian

Committees & Programs

Today, Homenetmen Toronto Scouting has an active membership of over 325 scouts. The goal of Homenetmen scouting is to prepare and develop responsible, healthy, honourable citizens and leaders who carry high moral values while dedicating themselves to the aspirations of the Armenian people.

These goals are achieved through outdoor hikes, lectures, discussions, community service, seminars, scouting knowledge programs and camps (fall, winter, summer). Homenetmen Toronto Scouts also participate in Homenetmen Canada Regional Camps and Pan-Homenetmen Jamboree.

Our scouts gather on every Sunday from 11am to 1pm at the Armenian Community Centre and Armenian Youth Centre. Every year in June, our entire scouting ranks prepare the Annual Scouts Day – a showcase of all the scouting work completed throughout the year.

The scouting ranks are separated by age groups and gender.

  • Beavers : Ages 5-6
  • Boy Cubs : Ages 7-10
  • Girl Cubs : Ages 7-10
  • Boys Scouts : Ages 11-13
  • Girl Scouts : Ages 11-13
  • Boy Venturers : Ages 14-17
  • Girl Venturers : Ages 14-17
  • Leadership: Ages 18+

We can be reached via email at: [email protected]

Homenetmen Toronto Athletics follows the chapter’s overall objective of serving the community by fostering physical and intellectual growth of our members through athletics.

Homenetmen Toronto Athletics has experienced tremendous growth in their programs, currently being comprised of over 16 teams (male and female) and 250 athletes. Homenetmen Toronto also boasts a strong Kung-Fu and Chess Division, each led by masters in their respective disciplines.

Our athletes learn different athletic skills, but more importantly, learn about leadership with the goal of becoming the future leaders in our community.

Each athletic group has a dedicated practice time slot within the Homenetmen gymnasium in the Armenian Youth Centre. In addition to conducting weekly practices, our teams compete in Canadian leagues, Homenetmen Canada Regional Games and Pan-Homenetmen World Games.

We offer sport programs such as boys and girls basketball, soccer, floor hockey, volleyball, kung fu and chess.

“A Run To Remember” is an initiative of Homenetmen Toronto with three main objectives. The first two objectives are to celebrate and honour the memory of our dear departed friends and to raise funds for a number of worthy charities. The third is to foster and encourage among participants a healthier lifestyle, one that includes physical activity.

It is an idea which started a few years ago with a number of dedicated individuals who wanted to remember and celebrate the memory of their family members and friends who unfortunately lost their battle with life.

These individuals not only wanted to celebrate the memory of their dearly departed in a very special way but they also wanted to make a positive impact and give something back to society. With the help of Homenetmen Toronto and Armenian Community Centre, “A Run To Remember” raised money for a number of worthy charities, including: The Hospital for Sick Kids, Armenian Relief Society Sosse Kindergarten, A.R.S. Armenian School.

ARTR was founded in 2008 and is always held in OCTOBER.

We can be reached via email: [email protected]